$530K TO TU


Cyber Center receives $530,000 to create AI curriculum

By Nana Amanfu, The Towerlight

All Center was awarded a grant of $530,000 by the National Science Foundation which will be used to build a curriculum in Cyber AI. This will consist of two different facets of Cyber AI: Securing AI and Using AI Tools.

In a detailed “stone man” draft Director of the Cyber Center Blair Taylor, expounded on the purpose of the grant. “[The National Security Agency] are looking to define a program in Cyber AI,” Taylor said.

The program is broken up into different topics referred to as Knowledge Units (KUs), most of which did not exist until the Cyber Center conducted workshops with other professionals to brainstorm what the program would look like and how it would eventually be used.

Three workshops—hosting roughly 150 faculty nationwide FINISH READING HERE

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