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Stop MPRP Film

Our upcoming film, produced in collaboration with NM Works, captures the voices of residents, farmers, and landowners as they stand against the proposed Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project (MPRP)—a 70-mile high-voltage transmission line intended primarily to power data centers.

By Stop MPRP

We received an update from a landowner in Carroll County who received a call from a Contract Land Staff representative today. Contract Land Staff is the Texas company hired by the NJ company PSEG to work with Maryland landowners on easements for the proposed MPRP. 

The Contract Land Staff representative was reported to be very empathetic and claimed she understands what we are facing and that she, too, owns a farm in Indiana. The representative went on to offer the landowner $1000 in exchange for permission to conduct a "survey and wilderness and wildlife studies". 

The representative said she would then "keep the landowner informed" throughout the process. The landowner responded they were not interested any survey or studies, in the payment, and that their property was protected by No Trespassing Signs. The representative then said there was nothing to keep the landowner posted on. It is unclear how the representative got the mobile number of the landowner. 

If you registered for any of PSEG's meetings and gave them your number, you might expect a call to that number. We can all expect similar calls and it is entirely possible that PSEG will offer increasing amounts of money for permission to come onto your land. 

We encourage everyone to "Just Say No!" and not allow any survey or study of your property. Remember, you are under no legal obligation to allow PSEG or its representatives on your property unless and until a permit is granted by the Maryland Public Service Commission. - Please know these payments, if accepted, would likely be considered a taxable event. 

PSEG (or the contractor issuing the payment) should then issue a IRS Form 1099 to the landowner for the payment. If the company is offering cash payments for this permission, such an offer would potentially be in violation of several other laws. 

We also urge everyone to be suspect of empathy or stories of understanding. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on being told the truth. - Please let Stop MPRP, Inc. know if you receive similar calls by writing to us at help@stopmprp.orgLastly, this is a challenging economic time for many and extra money for the holidays would be welcome by many. We find this tactic distasteful and disrespectful. We have all told PSEG, on many occasions, that Maryland and Marylanders are not for sale. Apparently, they still have not gotten the message. Let's work together to make sure they do. Stay strong. Stay together. Just Say No!

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