by Andrew Wood, A-Z Animals
Loons are a type of aquatic bird indigenous to North America and Eurasia. They are well adapted to life in the water, with dense bones that help them plunge deep underwater in pursuit of prey, webbed feet, and short powerful wings that are as useful underwater as they are in the air. Their distinctive vocalizations are their calling cards, so they are familiar to fishermen and other frequent visitors to lakes and rivers. Yet, some species are conspicuously absent in winter. Where do loons go in the winter?
©Art Weber – Public Domain
Loons, also called divers, are waterbirds in the family Gaviidae. Bird watchers can identify them easily by their black and white feathers, set off with dark green or black on their heads and necks. In size, they range from 28-32 inches long and weigh from 9-12 pounds.
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Loons eat fish like trout, salmon, or perch, as well as crustaceans, mollusks, amphibians, and aquatic insects. They are as good at swimming as FINISH READING HERE