Dulaney Valley honored our fallen heroes at the 38th ceremony in Timonium. We are honored to have Governor Wes Moore with us. Please join us as we pay tribute to Maryland’s public safety members who lost their lives protecting our community. The ceremony was open to the public (rain or shine) and live-streamed on this Facebook page here
The event honors police, firefighters, and emergency medical/rescue personnel who have died in the line of duty and is the only statewide ceremony in the nation that brings together all segments of the public safety community.
The Star-Spangled Banner was sung by Firefighter Ashley Alejandre of Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. Ceremony music will be performed by Hereford High School Chamber Choir, directed by David Sobel; Jon Wikstrom, singer and songwriter; and Jeff Issokson, violinist with Rock Creek Strings.
Our keynote speaker was Stuart M. Nathan, Assistant Attorney General and Principal Counsel, Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Our family speaker is Debbie Sorrells, mother of fallen hero Baltimore County Police Officer Amy Sorrells Caprio EOW 5/21/2018.