Proposal to re-zone 'underutilized' shopping centers draws opposition from Lutherville
by Amy Simpson, WBFF=TV
A Lutherville woman wants other Baltimore County communities to be aware of a bill recently introduced in front of the Baltimore County Council.
Bill 3-24, a mixed-use development zoning bill, was introduced last week by County Council Chairman Izzy Patoka on behalf of County Executive Johnny Olszewski.
The legislation proposes rezoning certain aging, underutilized, or abandoned malls or shopping centers to a mix of commercial and residential.
“A lot of people -- they’re busy, their daily lives -- they’re not paying attention to what’s going on with zoning issues and the like, until there’s a crane and their backyard is being dug up and then they wonder how did this happen?” said Whitney Dudley of Lutherville. FINISH READING HERE
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