Finding the right niche to make a difference at work and at home
By Ryan Rayno, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
What started as a college student just trying to get her foot in the door has led to almost 20 years as a Department of the Army Civilian, with nearly all of them at U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, or DEVCOM.
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM, is a team of world-class scientists, engineers, analysts, technicians and support staff who are fully focused on empowering America’s Soldiers today and in the future. We leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum effects, autonomy, robotics, advanced energetics, and synthetic biology to give Soldiers the ability to see, sense, decide and act faster than their adversaries.
Visit the DEVCOM enterprise website by clicking the links here or going to,
Jen Adair, then a student at Towson University in Maryland but now a senior strategic planner with DEVCOM, started as a summer intern at the U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity, or AMSAA, which later became known as DEVCOM Analysis Center, or DAC.
“I started as a summer hire while getting my computer science degree and I loved it,” Adair said. “After that, I worked during the winters and then later during the school year as well. I supported a Task Force Evaluation Model, which essentially ran different systems that would evaluate simulated battle damage. It was a lot of coding and running models, fixing broken code lines, things like that, but I learned how to verbally communicate data, output and analysis early on, which was a great experience for me.”
Adair developed a love for computer science while growing up thanks to her dad FINISH READING HERE
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