
‘Amazing Racer’ Collects $3.3 Million Jackpot

“Amazing Racer” of Baltimore is now a multimillionaire, thanks to winning a $3.3 million Multi-Match jackpot.

Takes home fourth largest Multi-Match prize in game’s history

They’ve bought tickets together for years, a Baltimore City pair told Lottery officials while visiting headquarters on a multimillion-dollar mission. The retirees love Multi-Match, and the twice weekly jackpot game returned their affection with one of its largest jackpot prizes.

“I saw on the Lottery website that someone had won the Multi-Match jackpot and was disappointed,” said “Amazing Racer,” the anonymous team spokesperson. His disappointment lasted until he noticed the store that had sold the winning ticket. “Then, I got excited.”

J Convenience at 8765 Satyr Hill Road in Parkville was the place, and it just happened to be a retailer that the lucky couple had visited the previous day for tickets for the Feb. 24 Multi-Match drawing.

Despite his obvious interest in the coincidence, the former Baltimore City employee did not compare the numbers on his $6 ticket to the winning combination. “Amazing Racer” didn’t even visit a Lottery retailer to scan his ticket. “As crazy as it sounds, I didn’t want to jinx it. I just wanted to hold on to that feeling that I’d won as long as possible.”

The husband and wife managed to make it three whole days before searching for confirmation of their multimillionaire status. “When I scanned the ticket, I saw a message about visiting the Lottery. I knew that was a good sign.” Even more of a shocker, the pair still didn’t check the winning numbers. “We figured that we’d won something, so we made an appointment to visit the Lottery.”

So, it was at Lottery headquarters that they learned they won the $3.3 million Multi-Match jackpot. “What a wonderful relief,” they told Maryland Lottery and Gaming Director John Martin, who visited the Winner’s Circle to congratulate the pair. “We haven’t slept in three days!”

They plan to use the prize to first take care of all family debt and contribute to their favorite charities and their church. “With our retirement secure, we’ll have to do some thinking about how to enjoy this. I know we will.”

For its role in the jackpot win, J Convenience receives a Lottery bonus of $3,300. This is the first Maryland Multi-Match jackpot win of 2025. The game’s jackpot was hit eight times in 2024 and 10 times in 2023.

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