8 Winter Heating Tips for Your Home
It gets quite cold in the winter and a lot of residents are trying to find heating hacks that will save money while keeping their homes nice and toasty until spring arrives. Luckily it has not been very cold yet, but it is still a good time to get a checkup before the last cold months are over and spring begins.
We’ve created a comprehensive list of winter heating tips to help sustain a comfortable indoor environment and improve indoor air quality without breaking the bank.
Essential Winter Heating Tips for Your Home
The holidays may be over but the cold temperatures have managed to stick around. As we settle into our 2023 routines and get back to work, it’s always nice to come back to a warm and cozy home. Here are some not-so-obvious ways you can keep your house free of those winter weather woes.
1. Turn Down the Thermostat
It may sound like a counterproductive tactic, but trust us, it helps save a few bucks. Your furnace and HVAC system is put to the test when the temperature plummets. Adjusting your thermostat a few degrees lower can not only take some of the burden off of your heating system but also offer savings on your utility bill. Plus, it keeps the climate inside your home comfortable, not ‘below the equator’ blazing.
2. Replace Furnace Filters
Indoor air quality is something that a lot of homeowners overlook, especially during the winter months when it is the most important. Now that everyone is spending more time indoors due to the colder weather, you may want to take the time to replace the filters on your furnace or HVAC system. During the summer and fall your air filters may have gotten dusty, filled with dander, or accumulated debris. Replacing your old air filter with a clean one will cut down on indoor allergens while also allowing your furnace and HVAC system to operate smoothly throughout the winter. Be sure to check it once a month and replace it at least every three months for improved indoor air quality.
3. Caulk and Seal Drafts
You could have the most expensive heating system ever made, but if your home has any unsealed cracks or unaddressed drafts it could mean your furnace has to work overtime to adequately heat your home. Check for gaps under/over doorways, windows that aren’t properly sealed, and even doggie doors for places where warm air could be escaping. If you find that there are indeed unsealed gaps in your home, simply caulking those spaces will help keep the warm air in and the frigid temps out. CONTACT HUNT VALLEY PROS
4. Schedule Furnace Maintenance and HVAC Inspection
It isn’t just a business or marketing ploy that HVAC professionals urge you to schedule yearly furnace inspections and annual HVAC maintenance appointments. This is actually to save you money in the long run. Staying on top of the health and functionality of your heating system will help reduce future repair costs as well as keep your heating bill low.
5. Reverse Ceiling Fans
Not many homeowners are aware that you can reverse the direction of most ceiling fans for different seasons. Simply locate the switch on the body of your ceiling fan and flip it to rotate clockwise. Science proves that heat rises. Keeping this in mind, the clockwise motion of your ceiling fan will draw the hot air near the ceiling down to keep every room in your home warmer.
6. Buy a Humidifier
The winter months get dry, especially inside when you’re running the heater non-stop. Introducing a whole-home humidifier into your environment will not only add some much-needed moisture to common areas but will also make them feel warmer. You may even be able to lower your thermostat another couple of degrees if the humidifier is successful in providing ample, dewy warmth.
7. Say ‘NO’ to Gas Fireplaces and ‘YES’ to Wood Fireplaces
Skip the gas fireplace for a wood fireplace. Did you know that most gas fireplaces use more energy to heat a room than central heating? If you’re fortunate enough to own a wood-burning fireplace, by all means, fill it with firewood and get your living room nice and toasty.
8. Shut Off Exhaust Fans
Most homes have exhaust fans that are located in places like the kitchen and the bathroom to vent smoke or steam. Continually running these vents in the bathroom and kitchen can deplete your home of vital warm air. Limit your use of exhaust fans in the winter to cut down on heat loss.
Contact Pipco to Winterize your Home & Be Spring-ready
If you are having an issue with your HVAC system or furnace, our technicians are fully trained and equipped to quickly determine the source of the problem and correct it. In addition to repairs and furnace replacement, we provide ductwork, air quality, and plumbing services in the entire Hunt Valley and Baltimore area. CONTACT THE PROS
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