
1633 Oakland Road
Reisterstown, MD 21136

 You can totally still register for our Maryland State SCA Championship on September 23

Liberty Delight Farms is hosting the Maryland State Steak Cookoff Association Championship.

Right in your backyard, basically in our front pasture we are hosting the second annual International qualifying competition to win a (actually 5) golden tickets to compete in the World Championships in the spring of 2024.

Don’t be intimidated by the name, these competitors all started with a recipe, grill and a lot of Tupperware from the neighbors begging for more samples! There are several categories to choose from not only steak.

The cookoff highlights Liberty Delight Farms custom cut RIB EYE’s, we also have a TURKEY category, a MARGARITA category and if you think your kids (13 and older) have mad skills… a kids BURGER category. Fancy, outlandish, over the top, simplistic perfection, silly and of course the very serious submissions are all in play.

What do you need? A grill, hotplate, torch, infer-red (kidding) or even a sous vide. There are very few rules regarding the type of cooking vessel, the amount of seasonings or special flairs. The event is wholesome fun and filled with enthusiasm. There are special vendor gifts, unique trophies and of course, 5 people will win direct access to compete for the Golden Tickets.

Enjoy the farm, a custom special lunch by our own Chef Jeff Fritz as he uses a new type of meat hanging cooking on grill witan Asado Cross, lunch sponsored by GOOD CHARCOAL.

This is a family affair, Saturday, September 23, 2023, bring your crew, your family, your team, yourself. You only pay for the person that is submitting the items. This is a Competitor event, not open to the public. Once your vehicle is in the event space you must stay through the competition. The Gourmet Market will be open but customers are not invited into the pasture.

Register through the SCA, any questions feel free to call Lauren.

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