St. Francis Episcopal Parish & Community Center Sat, Sep 30: Crab Feast Fundraiser @ 2-6 PM
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Photo Description: Turtle that Rev Sara encountered on the St. Francis ground. How apt for winding down the Season of Creation and honoring the Feast of St. Francis! Check out our Facebook page for some name suggestions from the community! Tell us what you think! |
10/1 Sunday
Volunteer to usher, read, chalice bear, or acolyte here. This Sunday's volunteers are:
This Week Sat, Sep 30: Comfort & Joy @ 10-12 PM Sat, Sep 30: Safe Dating Workshop @ 10 AM - 2 PM @ St. Margaret's in Annapolis Sat, Sep 30: Crab Feast Fundraiser @ 2-6 PM Tues, Oct 3: Hablemos EspaƱol @ 5:30 PM Wed, Oct 4: Indoor Choice Pantry open 5-7 PM Wed, Oct 4: Blessing of the Animals & Welcome Table Wednesday @ 6 PM Wed, Oct 4: Handbell Rehearsal, @ 6:30 PM Thu, Oct 5: Drive-thru Blessing of the Animals & Pantry on the Go @ 3:30 Thu, Oct 5: Praise Band Rehearsal @ 6:00 PM Thu, Oct 5: Choir Rehearsal, @ 7 PM Save the Dates 10/8 Walk in the Wilderness at Cromwell Valley Park 10/14 Comfort & Joy on site 10/14 American Red Cross Adult Ped First Aid CPR on site 10/15 Youth Group Gathering @ 5-8 PM 10/21 Outdoor Fall Cleanup on site 10/22 Vestry Meeting on site 10/26 Maryland Food Bank Delivery on site 10/29 Bishops' Visitation & Trunk or Treat after worship 11/4 Fall Fun(d)raiser & Community Celebration on site 11/5 Ingathering Sunday during worship 11/12 Organ Recital time TBD |
Click HERE for the Full Calendar |
The next Vestry meeting is scheduled for this Sunday October 22th at 12:00 PM in the Common Room. Email our Senior Warden, Gail Overcash, if you would like to attend via Google Meet and she can give you the link. If you would like to view our record of approved meeting minutes, then you can find them in a light blue binder in the Parish Office. Contact Carrie Reed, Administrative Organizer, if you need assistance. An Updated Note from Amy on Community Agreements: Thank you all for the prayerful reflection on and engagement with the Community Agreements for St. Francis. It has been so moving to talk with you about how you see God at work bringing us together as community and articulating how we are to be together as community in concrete ways. Last Sunday the Vestry finalized a one-page version of these agreements that all of you will be invited to sign on to this Sunday, October 1st at Fellowship Hour after our celebration of the Feast of St. Francis. If you haven't yet had a chance, please take the opportunity to read through this document, updated on 9/24, and engage your Vestry and Officers about this work. Vestry members are listed in the Annual Report. As always, feel free to reach out to me or Gail Overcash for any questions or concerns. The last vestry meeting was held on Sunday, August 27 and these were the major points of discussion: The last vestry meeting was held on Sunday, September 24 and these were the major points of discussion:
Fall Pantry on the Go |
Our next Pantry on the Go is Thursday, October 5th! Last month we served a record 212 families and 756 people! Many hands are needed to make this happen. We welcome you to be a part of this amazing Food Ministry community by signing up here to volunteer to help meet the food needs of our grateful neighbors. This month we will also be blessing pets during the Pantry on the Go! |
The next All Parish Service Project to help bag food for POG is scheduled for October 1st, our Feast Day! How fitting it will be for us to do some service together on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi! |
Welcome Table Wednesday |
All are welcome to join at Welcome Table Wednesday! Dinner is served each week at 6 PM and is open to all - this is a time for all parts of the St. Francis Community to come together and break bread, no matter what our differences may be. There is always a table with colored pencils, crayons, seasonal coloring sheets, and a word search for anyone who likes a little tactile activity. This incredible ministry runs EVERY Wednesday through June 19, 2024. Different dinner teams take turns preparing dinner each week. A few Wednesdays are unaccounted for. If you are part of a ministry group or part of a friend group from outside of St. Francis that loves to host dinner parties, then you can get involved! |
If you are an individual who would like to help on your own, then there are ways to help. Helpers are needed to fill in when people are sick or unable to make their scheduled time. Simply bringing a dish to share could be a big help to Barbara. Just ask her what is needed. To learn more about volunteering as a group or a helper, please reach out to Barbara Murphy. |
Indoor Choice Pantry The Indoor Choice Pantry is open twice weekly by appointment to anyone who needs a few shelf-stable items. The Pantry is open Sundays from 12-2 PM and on Wednesdays from 5-7 PM. For each of these time slots, we need volunteers to meet and greet shoppers, stock shelves, and more. Interested? Use the link below to join the team in this incredible offering! Right now there is a strong need for a 3rd volunteer on Wednesday evenings! |
Volunteer at the Indoor Choice Pantry |
Donate food to the Indoor Choice Pantry
In the Narthex, there is a basket for donations. Each week at the offertory, we bring those up and bless them. |
Maryland Food Bank Deliveries: Helping Hands Needed Prior to each month's Pantry on the Go event, a large delivery is made to St. Francis that contains lots of food for both the POG and our Indoor Choice Pantry. Unloading it and sorting it is quite an undertaking! Here is the Sign Up Genius for the next three months of deliveries. We have a Thursday morning delivery window, and once it is here, we are usually done unloading in 1.5-2 hours - but it could be done more quickly with more hands! Please consider signing up if your time and physical ability allow - this is a task that requires lifting heavy things or pushing heavy carts, and we do not want anyone to get injured while volunteering. Our late summer and fall dates are as follows:
Feast Day Celebration |
Sunday October 1st the St. Francis Feast Day Celebration happens during Fellowship Hour! Look for more information about the Feast of St. Francis in a special Friday Edition of the St. Francis Chronicle! |
Recap of Back to Church Bash and Return of the Choir |
Sunday September 17th marked the return of the Choir and the 2nd Annual Back to Church Bash! Parishioners loved to hear the sounds of the choir once again filling the sanctuary. The Back to Church Bash during fellowship hour was not dampened by the rain! Plenty of fun was had by young and old with the bouncy house, pizza, and Taharka Brothers Ice Cream! Parishioners were grateful for the multitude of ice cream flavors available! |
Your Administrative Organizer is busy updating the directory! If you recently moved or need any other updates made to your directory listing, please contact Administrative Organizer Carrie Reed by phone at (410) 252-4465 x1110 or email. Here is the information you might want to verify for your individual or family listing:
While we're doing updates, feel free to include your wedding anniversaries and birthdays for inclusion in the weekly Prayer List! Parishioner and Office Assistant Faith Townsend will be present at the next few Fellowship Hours to take down any updates to addresses. |
Walk in the Wilderness |
Walk in the Wilderness hikes hosted by Emil and Sue Elinsky are back! Sunday October 8th meet at Cromwell Valley Park at 12:00 PM at the 2nd entrance. Park information is available here. All ages are welcome. Note: some may feel more comfortable w/ their own hiking sticks. Contact Emil and Sue Elinsky with questions. |
Fall Fellowship Fun We have not one, but two, upcoming fellowship events that will raise funds for St. Francis this fall. The Crab Feast Fundraiser this Saturday 9/30 is open to all ages. Children are welcome at the Crab Feast! The Fall Fun(d)raiser & Community Celebration on 11/4 is an evening event geared for adults. Children may have more fun at home. |
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