
The Skyler Sacks Service Award Goes to Stephanie Everts
The Skyler Sacks Service Award is an award given annually to the therapy pet team that gives the greatest number of hours the previous calendar year in service to Pets on Wheels’ mission. The award is given in honor of Skyler, a much loved Pomeranian who along with her human, Heather Sacks, was simply synonymous with Pets on Wheels for many years, logging more than 500 volunteer hours in many years.
We are delighted to announce that the 2024 winner is Stephanie Everts, with over 423 volunteer hours. We’ll let her tell you why she loves Pets on Wheels:
“I joined Pets on Wheels in 2021 with Cody, a two year old fox red English Lab that I adopted in 2020. Cody passed his Therapy Pet screening with flying colors, as well as his veterinary clearances and so it was time to “do something”. However, we were still in pandemic mode and most sites weren’t accepting visits yet. So, I did the only sensible thing; I adopted another wonderful dog, Arleigh. Arleigh is a yellow English Lab and happens to be Cody’s mother. She passed her Therapy requirements and places were opening up. The rest is history.
I had retired early but was not ready to be inactive. Pets on Wheels was ideal for me. I get to socialize and meet people, while also interacting with my dogs. The more often I visit, the more visits I wanted to make. It gives me so much pleasure to share my wonderful dogs. In the library’s Paws to Read children’s program, Cody is the most sought after dog! In the 911 Center, the stressful job becomes just a little less stressful when the dogs come in and love on all of the employees. Each big smile and embrace of the dog warms my heart that much more.
What’s next? Well, I am adopting a third dog. Autumn is a fox red English Labrador that I will be training to continue the activities that bring so much joy to me and many, many others. Pets on Wheels has opened to me a whole new world I was unaware of and enhanced my retirement years immensely. Thank you PoW volunteers and pets.”
Stephanie, the thanks all go to you, Cody and Arleigh. Thank you for being such a wonderful ambassador for our program.