
14 Traffic Cameras Proposed Along Interstates 695, 83
Should 14 new speed cameras be installed on Baltimore County highways? Lawmakers want to slow speedsters on I-695 and I-83.
BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD — Baltimore County could get up to 14 new speed cameras spread between Interstates 695 and 83 if a bipartisan bill passes in Annapolis.
Drivers going at least 16 mph over the speed limit on I-695 and at least 12 mph over the limit on I-83 would be fined under the proposal.
The money would be directed toward the State Highway Administration to improve the Baltimore County stretches of both interstates. The funding would be supplemental and not replace existing money spent on highway maintenance.
Senate Bill 338 is sponsored by state Sens. Chris West (R-42), Shelly Hettleman (D-11), Johnny Ray Salling (R-6), Charles E. Sydnor III (D-44) and Benjamin Brooks (D-10).
A similar version of the bill was introduced last year as SB1067, calling for 16 cameras on I-695, though only four would've been allowed to be active at a time. That proposal fizzled out last year, and it's back with some changes.
Legislators now call for no more than four speed cameras in each direction of I-695 and a maximum of three cameras on each side of I-83.
The legislation would take effect on June 1 if passed and signed into law.
This year's bill is still in its early stages of consideration. Residents can track its progress here.
If adopted, the legislation would be temporary and automatically expire on June 30, 2030.